Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Addison's first dance recital!
Addison had her first dance recital last night. It was the cutest thing E V E R! Addison and her bestie Adilyn kept looking at one another and giggling. I asked her if she could see her teacher in front of the stage and she replied..."I could see her hair!" Watch the video to see what she is talking about! Silly girl! On the way home in the car she announced "my recital is over". It was so fun to watch...and only about a half an hour...way to go teacher Trista!The entire class!
The pretty ballerina!
Addison and her bestie Adilyn. Yes Adilyn is younger then Addison by a month. She is tall and Addie is short. Those two sure can giggle and have fun together.
See how the two of them are looking at one another....ready to start giggling again! They both did a great job!
Posted by Sleepless In St. George at 7:10 AM 1 comments
The moment you've been waiting for!
The carpet is is so lovely I just want to look at it all day. I have also threatened the kids so they won't eat/drink on it! I need to take more pictures now that the furniture is back in.
Posted by Sleepless In St. George at 7:07 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Interesting fact #233: It Works for Easton!
According to Easton: If your teacher tells you that you have to go to the bathroom and you don't have to....push on your belly button. It works every time! ummm...I haven't tried it, but this 7 year old thinks it works.1
Posted by Sleepless In St. George at 8:44 AM 1 comments
Bounce House Water Slide
While cousin Jake was here we put up the bounce house water is starting to lose some of it's ummmff...but it is still the best thing I have purchased at a yard sale! Jake is the fairest kid I he wore one of Neil's hats and his sun protecting suit on the slide. What a cute kid!
Posted by Sleepless In St. George at 8:30 AM 0 comments
Splash pad....this summer...someday I will be caught up!
This summer Grandma and Grandpa came for a visit and brought cousin Jake. We met them in Vegas and stayed in a hotel for a night (basically Addison's favorite thing on earth is a hotel!) Then we headed back to SG for a little sun (ok a lot of sun) The kids had such a great time in Vegas and loved the ride home even more!
While Jake was here we went to the local splash 6 or 7 at night. We had to wait until it was bearable for the adults to sit and was still hot! Enjoy the fun through these pics....
The view across the street from the splash pad. I love the colors in SG...we don't have the lush colors of Hawaii...but we have great contrasts with the red dirt!
Posted by Sleepless In St. George at 8:04 AM 0 comments
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Tutu Fun!
Whenever kids come over to play with Addison they always want to play with her pettiskirts. Our neighbor Andrew thinks it is a great idea too!
Posted by Sleepless In St. George at 8:36 AM 3 comments
Monday, December 13, 2010
Once upon a time...
I found a story Easton wrote for class. It started out as a cute story about his "grampa named Devon" (his cousins name is Devin). Then it turned into a story that only Easton could write! I wish I could scan it, but that techno gene isn't in me and Neil is at work. So I will just type it..the way he spelled it and put the real word in parenthesis! If the word is capitalized it is because he put the caps!
Once upon a time thir wa(there was) a grampa named Devon. he had Brown eyes Blond hair had Braces, and had a circle face. he was a grandparent. One Day he was going to his grandchildren a car hit him he had to go to the hospital he had Died the Children were sad
the End
Of course....only Easton! Man he is cute!
Posted by Sleepless In St. George at 12:05 PM 1 comments
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Run, run reindeer!
Brooke decided to run a 5k for personal progress. Her awesome PP leader Lindsay was her training partner. When the other kids heard about the race they decided they wanted to run the 1 mile fun run. It was a cold morning but luckily there wasn't any wind! They all did great! What a proud mama I was!Santa and the 1 milers at the starting line!
Camden and Easton at the half way mark!
Camden Crossing the Finish Line!
Catching his breath after his one mile run!
Easton Crossing the finish line!
Neil ran the 1 mile with Addison in hopes he wouldn't be needed! Addie made it to the first corner and her legs were so tired she couldn't go on!
Addison and her friend crossing the finish line!
Addison and her cute friend. Addison's friend Taylor ran with Addie and Neil. Taylor was doing great until santa came up behind her and said "ho, ho, ho" It scared Taylor and she tripped. Neil ran most of the race with Addie on his shoulders and holding onto Taylors hand. What a trooper!
Brooke and Lindz rounding the first corner of the race!
Brooke and her awesome running partner Lindsay! So anxious to begin the race!
Almost to the finish line!
Crossing the finish line!
Very excited to be finished! I am so proud of Brooke and all the hard work she put into training for her race. Can't wait to see her run the next one!
Posted by Sleepless In St. George at 4:55 PM 5 comments
YW ribbon!
Brooke decided to learn how to quilt for personal progress. She spent the summer sewing here and there when she would get bored. She made it for her clogging teachers new baby! Brooke is turning out to be a great seamstress!
Posted by Sleepless In St. George at 4:09 PM 1 comments
Before and during
Here is the before and the reason why I am losing it! About a month ago we started finishing the basement. The drywall is now up and painted. Baseboards are on and painted...touchs ups are happening as I type (Neil is a great handyman to have around!) Carpet comes on MONDAY! Once the room is put back together I will post the after pics!
Posted by Sleepless In St. George at 4:05 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 3, 2010 very behind
I think my theme in life is being behind! I just can't seem to get a step ahead on anything! This year I am teaching preschool 4 mornings a week. I love sending time with Addison. I can't believe this is her last year before she heads off to school! She is doing so well at preschool. I love teaching and teach with a great friend of mine. She is so creative and we have a great time together. We plan on teaching again next year. This past month has been crazy. In the last month we have gone from a partially finished basement to getting carpet installed next week. Neil has been busy painting walls, staining the floor in part of the basement, and painting baseboards. I can't wait for it to be finished so I can put my house back together. I have half of the toys upstairs making a mess and I can't get to any of my Christmas decorations until the carpet is in. My storage room is crammed full of toys and furniture. I am still working with the cub scouts and love it. Easton officially comes into the wolves in May. He loves hanging out with the older boys. Brooke is busy with clogging and training for her first 5k which is tomorrow morning. I am so proud of the effort she has put into this training! Camden finished up football and is anxious for basketball to start! Every other year the boys get to play on the same team...this is an off year so they are on different teams. This meant we had football 4 days a week!Luckily basketball will be only two days a week! Addison is in ballet. We switched teachers this year and Addison misses her old teacher (I think only because the last teacher gave out suckers at the end of class and this teacher gives out stickers!) I am on the pto board....and stink at it. I wish I had more to give to it, but I am just doing what I can right now. I substitute almost every week at church and have given myself a Christmas present...I decided to not sub for the rest of the year. Ha! That lasted one week. When a friend calls up and needs help I can't seem to say no! I do enjoy working with the kids and helping out, I just feel like I am only giving a half effort to everything. We have had such a busy fall with so many fun experiences...someday I will post pictures of all the activites. I feel so blessed. We have an almost finished house (next up the backyard!) We have great friends and neighbors. We have a secure job that offers great insurance. I just need to keep reminding myself these things when I am feeling overwhelmed....and when I have been breating in the fumes from the sealant in the basement. Seriously it stinks right now! Neil and I are thinking we could charge money for people to come breath it in! We would make a killing today! Can't wait to post pictures of it when it is finished.
Posted by Sleepless In St. George at 5:15 PM 2 comments