My baby turned 12. The age didn't really bother me, although I do feel old. I had a harder time thinking about her going to young women's. Our time with her at home is flying by. I only have 6 years before she heads off to college! Back to the party...
There was A TON of giggling going on....maybe due to sugar overload?!
That darn whipping cream ran out!
Games were played!
A plate full of whipping cream with m&m's in it...try to get them out with only your mouth! This induced more giggling!
This fabulous cake was from Lin's.
Now a note about Brooke....Brooke is such a wonderful girl. She takes school very seriously. We went to her choir concert and I saw the honor roll list. I asked if she was on it and she told me no. She was right...she was on the high honor roll because she had all A's...not even an A-! Brooke enjoys trying new things. This year she tried running with me (hated it), played soccer (would have had more fun if her team had won 1 game), took piano lessons (sad the teacher isn't teaching we need to find a new one) took a volleyball class (none of her friends were interested so she decided to do it alone, she made a really great friend and fell in love with volleyball), went repelling (was very nervous but tried it anyways and had a great time), started a new school (loves switching classes and doesn't enjoy p.e.), babysat, babysat, babysat(she loves it...her biggest complaint is that the kids have to go to bed so she get bored. She loves to entertain them when she is there, she isn't big on just turning on a movie for them) Started young women's (she loves going and I don't think she misses primary one bit) Sewing (she made her friends Christmas gifts this year...she is getting better all the time, maybe I will teach her clothing this year!) Braces (she got her braces off and didn't break one bracket the entire time she had them on. She wears her retainer without complaint and has never lost it) We love having Brooke as part of our family. She is such a big help with her brothers and sister. She has a great testimony and is very kind. She worries about hurting others feelings and is extremely honest. We love this girl.
Resolutions and "One Word" for the New Year
6 years ago
i also LOVE this girl, you got co lucky with her, she is so kind and is my favorite babysitter. The boys lover her too. WE love you BROOKE!
I ALSO love, love, love Brooke! She is such a great girl! I am so honored to be her Beehive leader. She can always be counted on to bring some calmness and reason to the group. She is a great girl! Happy Birthday (a little late) to Brooke! I love that cake...
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