I can't believe that school will start in 3 weeks! Where has the summer gone? We have had a very relaxing and fun summer. This is the summer I will always remember my kids becoming fish...the kids took swimming lessons and fell in love with the water. Addison is so close to being able to really swim....she loves showing me how she puts her face in the water! Easton is everywhere in the water but has no interest in becoming a pro. Camden on the other hand LOVES swimming. Camden has decided that he is going to swim instead of playing football this fall! The weather in SG has been amazing this summer. I think the highest we have hit is 105! Because of the great weather we have enjoyed a lot of time outside at the park and riding bikes. We had our very favorite babysitter visit us from WA! Becky started babysitting for us when Brooke was one...it was fun to have her come and show her Zions. We went to Disneyland for a week to watch Brooke clog and Brooke was busy with girls camp, youth conference and babysitting. This has been a summer of dreams and I am sad to see it end. I hate getting back into the routine that school brings. I think the kids are excited to see friends again...and they are super excited about the teachers they have. The saddest part....my baby is going to school this year. I have had a hard time accepting this, and tried to convince Neil that I should just homeschool her...he laughed. I know she will love it and do well, but this is my baby, my last baby. Addison has been my side kick...the other kids have been in school for so long that it has just been the two of us. I am sad to see this end, but she is very excited to go to the big school. We are planning on packing as much fun into these next three weeks including a wedding for my cousin and a trip to grammy and papas! Then back to the grind. I guess all dreams must come to an end becausde this summer truely has been one!
Resolutions and "One Word" for the New Year
6 years ago
Shel! I feel like i haven't seen you in sooo long. We need to do one girls night before everyone has to get back into the school routine. I can't believe Addie will be starting school, crazy! Time is flying!
Awww, I know it's hard to let the baby go, isn't it. I'll be a mess next year...
That is really cool that Camden wants to do swim team! It is so fun and rewarding!! Let me know when the meets are! :)
Sounds like you guys have been busy too! We need to catch up... I think Val is right and a girls night is definitely in order!: D
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