I can't believe that it has been 9 years. Where has the time gone. Camden was my easiest delivery! I had a appointment with my doctor. I was overdue. I had spent the day mowing the lawn (it took an hour) in hopes that I would go into labor. No such luck. My doctor was running late (not a surprise...he always was). My 3 oclock appointment was at 5. At my appointment he told me to go ahead and go to the hospital and he would induce me. I went home, called Neil home from the farm and got to the hospital at about 7:30 or 8. The nurses got an IV in me and my doctor arrived at about 9. He was just about to break my water when the nurse came rushing in to get him. He was needed in the ER. At women at 35 weeks was in full cardiac arrest. He came back an hour later, she hadn't made it and neither had the baby. He didn't tell me that, but I read it in the paper that week. So at 10 he broke my water....I was at a one. 3 hours later, and no epidural, a chubby 8 lb. 7 oz. beautiful boy was born. The nurses kept telling me how beautiful he was and how they saw a ton of babies but he was one of the beautiful ones. He didn't have that newborn scrunched look. I was in love! I had hoped and prayed for 4 years for this baby, and he took my breath away!
More than any of my kids Camden really gets into what interests him. For a while it was superman. Unfortunately there was a wiggles kick...where he would only watch the one wiggles video and wanted to watch it everyday all day! The yellow power ranger rulled at our house for about a year. Yellow was the color of the year. He only wanted to eat on a yellow plate and drink from a yellow cup. Star wars was another obsession (that still lingers at this house thanks to youtube. Did you know that grown men spend hours making their own star wars movies. Camden loves the grocery wars one. All the guys are different fruits and veggies. Yoda is Yoga...and yogurt guy!)
Camden is very tender hearted. He is also a deep thinker. He asks me questions all the time that really make me think. Sometimes he is such a old soul.
He is also a great giggler. He loves to tell jokes and is a terrible liar. When he lies he gets this sheepish look on his face and can't make eye contact. If I probe a little more and ask if he is sure that is the truth he usually answers with "oh I forgot".
Camden is a great brother. Brooke was smitten with him when he was born. She was 4 and so excited to be a big sister. When he was a week old I found her next to him on the couch reading him a story.
Camden loves an adventure. He loves to play sports (especially if he wins) and loves to go geocaching. He enjoys talking to adults and takes what they say to heart. The other day we were somewhere and he suddenly says "look, that looks like an ark of the covenant" A few weeks ago in church they talked about that and he soaked it in. His all time favorite teacher is Suzanne Smith. He LOVES her. He loves talking to her and talks all the time about when she was his teacher in primary!
We love having Camden in our family. He is such a sweet boy. He has a great testimony and is a great example to us! Hope you had a great birthday Camden!
Resolutions and "One Word" for the New Year
6 years ago
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