Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Give up?

This morning Camden asked me this question, "Mom, when you were a kid did you ever have to give up on a dream that you had?" Wow! I asked if he had been discussing this at school and he told me that he hadn't, he just was thinking about his dreams. He dreams of winning the pinewood derby tonight! We ended up having a great discussion about how some dreams we can work at and others are full of luck. If he dreams of being a doctor there are things he can do to make it happen, but winning a contest is full of luck! What a smart kid!


Valerie said...

Oh what a cutie, and a very deep question for an 8 yr old. I always love hearing what your kids have to say :)

Linz said...

He's so dang cute! Good luck at the Derby!

Anonymous said...

I love it when they have those moments of pure clarity. Tell that cutie to hold fast to his dreams!

Jordan and Heather Hart said...

Wow, that's deep. Did he end up winning the Pinewood Derby? How's life for you guys??

Debbi said...

Love this!