I had some leftover fabric from the diaper bag, so I decided to make a wipes/diaper case. It holds 2-3 diapers and the box of wipes. I don't have the diapers all the way in the case in the picture above. It then Velcro's shut! I put that in with the diaper bag for a great little gift!
It was so quick and easy that I made 4 more with fabric I had leftover from other projects. I just hate leftover fabric, can't stand to throw it away! I made two of the blue ones, another red red one, and the black toile! I put the blue one in a diaper bag I made for my other friend out of matching material! So the three in this picture are all either going in my box of gifts to give away or they are for sell. If anyone want one I will sell them for $7! If you buy a diaper bag they will only be $5, and if you want me to make one with different fabric they will be $7 if you supply the fabric, or $10 if I supply the fabric! These are $7 just cause I already had the fabric, it was scrap fabric and I was just playing around to get my sewing room cleaned out a bit!
way way too talented my friend.
hey can you take a photo of your sewing room?? that sounds like fun to have a room to spread out and sew in!!!
(where is that photo of addies dress?) hee hee
Cute cute cute! That is a really great gift! I know I love the bag you made me!!!
I wish I had a sewing room too. Right now it is my dining table (sad face) =D
Have you ever thought of opening up your own etsy shop? It is free to have one open you should check it out. I've made two of those tag chew blankies and I love them. My daughter loves them too. You are amazingly talented. I wish I could just whip up some great gifts like that.
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