Camden and Brooke were in the local children's production of "Little Rascals". Camden was Porky. He is the one that is best buds with the OTAY kid. Camden had a lot of lines to memorize and did a great job, especially since this is his first time on stage!
Here are Porky and Buckwheat fishing....Buckwheat asks if he got anything and Cam's first lines are "not a bite Buckwheat"
Here are the "He-man woman haters" saying their pledge. It includes, "I Porky member of good standing in the he-man woman haters club do solemly swear to...." I think they swear to catch bugs, be with their buddies, go fishing, pick thier nose, and never fall in love!
Porky and Buckwheat roast marshmellows instead of helping their buddies put out the clubhouse which has caught fire. The fabric was shaken to look like a fire.
Camden looking adorable as Porky!
One of my favorite lines of Camden's was when he was told to call 911 and Buckwheat asks him what the number is. Porky replies "how should I know". Camden did a great job as Porky! He had a really good time, but isn't planning on doing the next play which is Cinderella....I guess it's a little girlie for him!
Resolutions and "One Word" for the New Year
6 years ago
So cute!
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