Monday, August 18, 2008

Thanks a lot Lindsay

A few months ago my sweet friend Lindsay posted a blog about trying to get rid of their friendly bat (she has named him Harry) that likes to hang out on her front porch. Last I talked with her about it they had achieved success. The bat was gone. Well Thanks A Lot! I now know where the bat went!

When Neil was leaving for work this morning this is what he found! Look at this wing span!

Check out the size of those ears!

I am holding Lindsay completely responsible. This is atrocious! So Lindz....can we borrow the fake owl from ya! (oh and the kids couldn't imagine anything cooler then a bat in the garage!)


Kat said...

omg thats so funny!
ahh its so scary. haha

Linz said...

That's a good lookin' bat! But... it's not Harry. I would know him anywhere. And I am sorry to say that Harry still visits us. Every night. Our owl (Errol) has been slacking off. Sorry that you have a new pet! Oh, spraying Bug Off around your house, porch, garage, etc. helps for a while too!

Linz said...

Oh, and BTW - a few weeks ago we had THREE bats in our porch!!! THREE!!! I amlost had a nervous break down...

Anonymous said...

Wow! Glad I do not have that thing hanging around! :)

Thank you for your lovely comments on my latest post. It is 2 people you know, I think. I didn't want to put their names out there so send me an email and I will send you the info.
I have read the daily scoop blog. I loved it. It is so touching to hear about that woman's experiences. I love hearing from you! Thanks again-
Love ya-N

Marleen said...

Very funny.

Shelly said...

oh my gosh! that's all i have to say. creepy! you have a bat mobile to go with?

EarlGirl said...

Oh, wow. My boys would have been going nuts! They'd demand we keep it as a pet. How exciting to have a bat in your house! It makes me shudder.

Valerie said...

he is kind of cute in a gross way :) Are we walking on Monday

Lisa said...

Whoa! Is this for real? Amazing! Thank you for your comments on my blog. You are sweet to care!

MB North said...

That is so cool!!!!

ww said...

We had a bat in our house once... we didn't really notice him until he swooped over us as we were watching TV. He flew out when we opened the doors, thank goodness.