Friday, February 6, 2009

Valentine's party

I have been asked to be in charge of the party for Camden's class next week. Got any great ideas? I think I am going to do ham/cheese heart sammies, heart rice crispies, decorate heart cookies, strawberry ice cream in 7 up for the treats. I was thinking of doing a craft or two (but need ideas) and doing a few games. Bingo, memory and bean bag toss are always easy games, but you got anything good?


mckellebmassmemo said...

I've never done a valentines party so I don't know how to help you. If you didn't do the candy bar game I told you about that always works for any holiday. My favorite websites are or for party ideas. Good luck

Janae said...

I have done candy leis. You get a long peice of saran wrap an dlay candy or toys and role them up then tie ribbon in between the candy or toys. Then use a peice of ribbon to make it longer around the neck to make a necklace. We did this for my 5 year olds b-day party yesterday and the kids loved it.

Kristin said...

Hi Shelly! I need your email address to add you to my bloglist. You can leave it in my comments or email it to me.

Linz said...

One year we made wreaths at AUri's birthday party. YOu take a paper plate, and glue hearts and other cute shapes on them. They could write the names of loved ones on a few of the hearts... I dunno... whatever!

MB said...

Your ideas sound great and the candy leis that were mentioned sound fun too.

My party the teacher is taking care of I just have to show up with cupcakes and napkins :) easy peasy!!