So yesterday I mentioned that Neil got into a smaller pair of jeans. Well as he was taking them off last night and emptying his pockets he pulled out a movie stub. It was from February...2001! He hasn't fit into those pants since before Camden was born. He is very excited. He also hit another milestone...he is now 199, under the 200 mark. We are still working very hard at this weight loss crud, but I am stuck at my 7-8 lb mark...just keep bouncing between 2 lbs. I am hoping it is because I am gaining muscle, right? My jeans are getting baggier on me, so lets hope! But Neil has lost about 16 lbs now! I guess he will be winning our skinny contest!
Resolutions and "One Word" for the New Year
6 years ago
Hello! It has been so long ever since I have heard from you and am glad to see that you and your husband are doing very well. Your four kids are so cute as well.
I just put up my blog after being told by one of my friends that BLOGS are FREE! Ha ha. I never really knew that until recently. I am still learning how to do it in fun exciting way.
Congrats to Neil. That is so awesome!! 2001. WOWWEEE!!! WOOHOOOOO
Guys lose it faster than gals. They always do!!
WOOOOOHOOOO!! great job to both of you! And - it's not over til it's over - so you never know! You could still win! Great job!!!
Mike wants to know if Neil wants his suit back (hahaha). It may fit him now where Mike is growing out of it with his freshman weight gain.
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