Ok the results are in...I was hoping to get at least first runner up, but this year I am not even going to make the top 5. I am not mother of the year this year. I know, I hear all the gasps, moans and sighs. But yesterday I lost my chances. I got Camden into the doctor at 8:45. Not only does he has double ear infections, but one ear drum even burst. I know...know the gasps have become hisses. Why didn't I take him in with Addison on Friday like the runner up mom would have done? Because his only symptom that day, and even on Saturday, was a cough and slight fever. Also the 20 gazillion times I asked if his ear hurt he said no. So I concede the title to all of you, and hope that I make the top 5 next year. (oh and to take away the pain of losing the title, I am eating Cadbury mini eggs, my favorite candy of all time, at 8 in the morning. Don't worry it is a small bag with only 210 calories and 9 grams of fat:( How much effort to work that off? Maybe I will have to walk to the doctors office with Camden on my back as punishment!
Resolutions and "One Word" for the New Year
6 years ago
Aww, poor Camden! I hope he gets all better soon! Don't worry - you're still the year's greatest mom in my book!!
Sorry about Camden. Hope he's ok. Don't worry, I feel like I lost that title already. (See my post with picture crossed off?) Anyways, you are a good mama. Kids are hard.
AWWWWWW.. Poor Camden but hey he has a high pain tollerence. Dont feel bad. I have done worse to Brooke and didnt know it. Your will #1 mom!!!
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